Facts About Dreams

That we spend almost one-third of our lives sleeping is probably one of the most commonly known facts about dreams. Moreover, dreaming that occurs during REM sleep is considered healthy because it provides psychological rest. Studies have shown that lack of proper REM...

How To Fly In Dreams

Before trying any tips or tricks on how to fly in dreams, you need to understand that flying dreams can come naturally and can also be induced with the help of lucid dreaming. People generally aspire to experience flying dreams as soon as they get the hang of...

Dreams About Snakes

Snakes as well as dreams about snakes hold rich meaning and symbolism. In fact, the slithering serpent is one of the oldest symbols depicted in several ancient sculptures. Seeing snake/snakes in a dream, however, represents hidden fears and resistance to change. They...

Dreams About Teeth Falling Out

Dreams about teeth falling out usually indicate that you are feeling insecure and uncertain, especially in terms of appearance or self-image. Such dreams point towards the fact that you are worried about how others perceive you. However, before coming to any...

How To Control Your Dreams

Exploring the realm of how to control your dreams is not just interesting but also useful when trying to combat nightmares. The art of controlling your dreams rather than being controlled by them is not limited to just a few people. Anyone can practice techniques on...