Relaxation Exercise

Training Yourself to Breathe Breathing properly is essential to success in this tutorial Step 1: Lay on your back on the floor with your legs bent and your calves resting on the seat of a chair. Use an armless chair and turn it sideways, put the lower half of your...

Introduction to Relaxation Exercise

Modern life is stressful. Most of the stress our bodies experience we are not consciously aware of because we have lived under stress for so long the experience of it has become “normal.” Spontaneous Astral Projection, the type that occurs as a result of temporary...

First Personal Examination Stress

Throughout this course you will be asked to perform personal examinations to check your progress and to reveal areas in which you may need to focus. There are no right or wrong answers to these self-tests, they are designed to help you become aware of your abilities...

6 Exercises to Improve Your Focus

The following exercises are designed to improve your ability to focus and concentrate. In this tutorial, you learned a relaxation technique to help undo the harm of stress on your body and begin to prepare yourself for conscious projection. Now, you need to invest the...

What is Dreaming, Viewing and Projection?

A good portion of the people who sought out this Astral Projection for Beginners tutorial, have probably heard of Lucid Dreaming and many of them will have tried Lucid Dreaming themselves, with varying degrees of success. Many have heard of Remote Viewing as well, but...

What is Lucid Dreaming

A lucid dream, in the simplest of terms, is a dream in which one is aware that one is dreaming. It was first referred to as “lucid dreaming” by Dutch psychiatrist and writer Frederik van Eeden, a contemporary of Freud. It is interesting to note that while Freud was...